
Corporate Governance

At Blue Ocean Residencies, we placed a great emphasis and importance on the principles and practices of good Corporate Governance. We firmly believe that implementation of sound principles of Corporate Governance is important to the Group’s overall success and in securing the confidence of its shareholders, customers, employees as well as other stakeholders in the industry.

Our Board of Directors is committed to uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the governance of the Company and its subsidiaries. In respect to Corporate Governance, the Group is guided by the Code of Best Practice of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka which includes:


By recognizing the synergies and value additions that can be gained through the centralization of certain services such as Corporate Finance, Treasury, Corporate Planning, Project Evaluation, Taxation, Company Secretarial, Information & Technology, Internal Audit, Legal, Human Resources, Security and Personnel Functions and by functioning accordingly, the Group has been able to bring everyone under the umbrella of Blue Oceans Holding (Pvt.) Ltd.

This has resulted in building a pool of resources in diverse fields within the Group. Functioning through centralized services also enhances potential expertise of the respective disciplines most effectively by providing a valuable impetus to the Group’s growth and expansion.


Strong leadership is the central attribute to attain our aim of becoming a globally competitive market leader. Knowing this fact well, upon the invitation of the Group, Knowledge Base Associates-Corporate Trainers conducted a leadership program for the senior management of the Group to improve their skills in the disciplines of leadership and effective management.

This initiative was coupled with the creation of development plans for top performers backed by individual assessment and accredited business training. We continue our journey towards leadership development with Knowledge Base Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. The current leaders, who empowered the initiative of Knowledge Base Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., will set the tone for the future managers of the Group.